- Futurpreneur(s) and partners
G20 YEA 2021: In-Person Delegation Announcement & Activity Updates
The Canadian delegation is getting ready to attend the G20 Young Entrepreneur Alliance Summit (G20 YEA) on October 5th and 6th in Milan, which was organized by Confindustria Giovani Imprenditori, with support from our partner Export Development Canada (EDC) and the Trade Commissioner Services (TCS).
The Summit is titled Global Renaissance: Sustainability, inclusion and innovation for prosperity. Young entrepreneurs participating will be conquering topics such as inclusion, climate change and environment innovation, as well as the digitalization and future of work.
G20 Youth Entrepreneurship Alliance In-Person Delegation Announced
Given the current COVID-19 regulations, travel restrictions and the safety of participants, the Summit is proceeding as a hybrid event. Instead of the full G20 YEA delegation traveling to the host destination, a team of 13 selected delegates will be representing the Canadian delegation in person in Milan, led by Futurpreneur’s G20 YEA President, Dan Ouimet, and Sherpa, Mégane Visette. Meanwhile, the remaining 36 delegates will be participating in summit events and lending their crucial input remotely from across Canada.
After much consideration, the 13 individuals who have been selected to participate in-person and represent our delegation at the Summit are:
- Amanda Buhse (MB), Coal and Canary Inc.
- Amanda Cupido (ON), Lead Podcasting
- Andrea Gomez (QC), OMY Laboratoires
- Angela Wallace (ON), Angela Wallace Impact Agency
- Annie Cyr (QC), Tengiva
- Audrey Charles (AB), Convenient Business Solutions Inc.
- Isabelle Leblond (QC), La Technologie Happy Hôtels Inc.
- Jean-Sébastien Bouchard (QC), SYNECDO
- Mathew Mozaffari (ON), Speer Technologies
- Nicholas Lavalle (NS), Clean Valley Bio-filtration Technologies CIC
- Ramin Estifaie (BC), CSN Pharma
- Sierra Lathlin (MB), The Barkery Dog Treats
- Taïna Chalifoux (QC), DiNapoli Caffè
- View full biographies for our in-person and virtual delegates here.
Three delegates have also been selected by our Italian hosts and Summit partner Accenture to speak during the Summit’s global panels: Annie Cyr, Jean-Sébastien Bouchard, and Reneta Johnson.
G20 Youth Entrepreneurship Alliance 2021 Pre-Summit Activities
Over the course of the summer, our delegation took part in consultative Taskforce meetings led by Futurpreneur and our G20 YEA alumni and Taskforce leads: Steph Limage (Digitization, Innovation & Future of Work Track), Ghalia Aamer (Inclusion and Equal Opportunities Track), and Nina Lantinga (Sustainability, Climate Change and Energy Track).
Delegates had the opportunity to meet with and learn from a variety of stakeholders, including the Youth 20 (Y20) delegation led by Young Diplomats of Canada, the Women 20 (W20), G(irls)20, the YWCA, and the Women’s Economic Council (WEC). During these meetings, delegates were able to outline Canadian young entrepreneurs’ priorities under the themes of the 2021 Summit and Communiqué.
The Canadian delegation additionally benefited from the following virtual sessions:
- The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) briefed our delegates on the importance of IP protection at home and abroad. For more information on CIPO, click here.
- The Inclusive Trade team at EDC, one of our 2021 Delegation Partners, also briefed our delegates on pitching and value proposition, financing for international growth, and the variety of EDC services available to young entrepreneurs’ SMEs, especially women and BIPOC entrepreneurs. For more information on EDC, click here.
- The Trade Commissioner Services continues to provide meaningful resources and support to our delegates looking to export and trade in Italy, as well as other G20 countries. For more information on TCS, click here.
About the G20 Youth Entrepreneurship Alliance
To maximize the transformative potential of the most brilliant minds in youth entrepreneurship across the globe, the G20 YEA Summit was launched in 2010 in Toronto. Young people were united to put forth recommendations concerning the global entrepreneurship agenda discussed in the leaders’ G20 and G7 summits. With the overwhelming success of the conference, the G20 YEA annual summit was launched, and Futurpreneur was selected to represent the Canadian delegation. Over the years, the summits have helped influence topics such as barriers to capital, skills and entrepreneurial training, free trade, sustainable business models and more.
Learn more about the G20 YEA here.