- Futurpreneur(s) and partners
Week that was: April 22-26
Week that was: April 22-26
Where has April gone?! We are sending our love to April and all the great things it has in it. We celebrated National Volunteer Week here at CYBF with the rest of the nation. See how our community sent their love, appreciation and gratitude out to their mentors/colleagues/friends and volunteers!
Find out what has been happening all around Canada below:
- More of our Spin Master Innovation Fund alumni: pplconnect: where are they now?
- Transitioning Canadian Forces member & interested in starting a business? Learn more about The Prince’s Operation Entrepreneur here.
- The latest CYBF Entrepeer Vibe e-newsletter is out! View it here.
- CYBF attended @FPReach last week. Exciting place to be around so many start-ups & possibly future SMIF13 -ers. Learn more here.
- CYBF attended the @TELUSBusiness TELUSchallenge event last week! Great people & great information. Check out some pictures of the financial literacy panel, cheque presentation and here.
National Volunteer Week April 21-27 – here is a snippet of all the activity we had this week:
- CYBF celebrated with a National Volunteer Week, Give Thanks blog post!
- #iheartmentors Thank you card
- Video by our CEO @juliadeans thanking our CYBF mentors and volunteers
- What our CYBF mentors do for entrepreneurs “Fuel the passion. Leave an impact.” Learn more at https://futurpreneur.ca/mentoring/ #iheartmentors
- Tal Dehtiar founder of @oliberte shows his appreciation for his mentor #iheartmentors
- Mylène Montpetit thanks her mentor during National Volunteer Week. Have you thanked yours? #iheartmentors
- Katrina German and Dale Zak appreciate their mentor during National Volunteer Week #iheartmentors
- CYBF moMENTum participant Dev Chengkalath thanks his mentor #iheartmentors #nationalvolunteerweek @primalhuman
- @LisavonSturmer of @GrowingCity gives thanks to her mentor #iheartmentors #nationalvolunteerweek
Tweets from the street! Thank you to everyone who has tweeted CYBF. Here’s a highlight of some messages:
- @juliadeans: Take a minute this National Volunteer Week to thank your @CYBFCanada and other mentors using #iheartmentors #mercimentors
- @juliadeans: Prenez une minute en cette semaine de l’action bénévole pour remercier votre mentor #iheartmentors #mercimentors
- @InfuseTea: Big thanks to Susan Tychie @ShareOrganics for her exceptional guidance and mentorship. #iheartmentors #CYBF
- @pureskillsbball: Today is National Volunteer Week! Thank you to my mentor Don through CYBF! #iheartmentors
- @Katrinavision: @Katrinavision and @DaleZak from @OneStory_com appreciate their @CYBFSask mentor http://shar.es/JB5w0 #iheartmentors
- @TOacupunk: Enjoyed @johnmorgan book, Brand Against the Machine as recommended by my awesome mentor @EllasBotanicals #iheartmentors #cybf
- @LisavonSturmer: @YouthBizInt @cybfcanada @growingcity Thanks for the love guys!! #iheartmentors
- @linaduquemba I feel honoured to have worked with Norm Grey, @CYBFCanada’s national dir of mentoring, and wish him the best in his well-earned retirement!
- @AniceJewellery: @CYBFCanada & they remind you to cherish the moments! Quote from mine: “Remember, it’s a marathon, not a race.” #iheartmentors
- @SocialMediaSvvy: @CYBFOntario #Iheartmentors @suttonMel she is my rock!! Thank you for making the mentor ship program!!
CYBF (and partners) in the news!
- What colour are your mentoring lenses? by CYBF Mentor-in-Residence Linda Morana
- How to become a #green entrepreneur featuring CYBF entrepreneur @LisavonSturmer of @GrowingCity
- Congratulations @MaRSDD announcing Euan Robertson as President and COO!
Messages to Tweet!
- Apply by May 21 for $50k in financing, mentoring, resources through CYBF’s Spin Master Innovation Fund
Find out what happened in our regions this week:
- Founder of Growing City @LisavonSturmer was featured in @WEVancouver – way to go Lisa!
- Join us for the 1st @CYBFCanada workshop in yyj – ‘Entrepreneur Motivation Event: Peeling the Onion’ RSVP here.
- The @tricofoundation April Awareness Newsletter is out!
- SKEntrepreneurs launch storytelling app – Congratulations to @OneStory_com
- Check out NavigaIT – a free event focusing on pathways to success for today’s women in IT. May 9 – Wpg – Register here.
- FCJE Quebec attended their first Timeraiser event! Learn more about Timeraiser.
- Attended the Job Seeker & Entrepreneur Fair in North York. Our own Scott Bowman and Dominik Loncar hosted a Business Plan workshop. Great job guys!
- Congrats to CYBF entrepreneur @anaisiana @atlanticcirque on expanding her business to new heights. Way to go! Check out the article here.