- Futurpreneur(s) and partners
Celebrating Your Start-Up Success with Futurpreneur Canada and CIBC
Starting a business takes hard work, determination and passion. For an entrepreneur, even the smallest wins can feel like a big one. Over the past 21 years, Futurpreneur Canada has supported more than 10,000 businesses across the country and throughout those years, we’ve watched thousands of entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful businesses.
As an entrepreneur, your journey is anything but boring. You’ll hit forks in the road, speed bumps and sometimes be sent into the great unknown but that’s what makes your journey something worth celebrating. Every milestone you reach, whether big – like landing a deal on Dragon’s Den – or small – like finally getting a good night’s sleep after pulling one too many all-nighters – is a win in the start-up world. That’s why we want to celebrate these wins with our friends at CIBC. One of CIBC’s core values is to help build strong communities and that’s why they have teamed up with us to invest in the success of Canada’s future leaders.
Today marks the launch of a new initiative that will help you celebrate, connect and network with other Canadian entrepreneurs and mentors.
We will be curating milestones submitted by you through Twitter and Instagram. All you have to do is include #FuturHighFive on your posts. If you aren’t active on Twitter or Instagram, you can also submit your milestones directly to our website here. This website will become a hub for celebrating and following along with all the incredible entrepreneurs in the Futurpreneur community. The best part is, there’s no limit to how often you submit and no deadline!
… And that’s not it.
Over the next year, we’ll be selecting people who participate to be featured in a variety of different ways. Whether it be for our blog, on our social media channels, in our newsletter or even for exclusive press and event opportunities. This is an excellent way to not only get more involved with other Canadian entrepreneurs and mentors but also gain recognition and free publicity for your business.
We can’t wait to follow along on your start-up journey and celebrate all your wins, big and small, that you achieve along the way.