• Mentoring

Questions: A Mentor’s Most Powerful Tools

Futurpreneur | March 27, 2014

In celebration of National Volunteer week happening from April 6 – 12, 2014, Futurpreneur Canada is celebrating mentors’ valuable contribution to young entrepreneurial success! Below, Futurpreneur Canada’s Mentor-In-Residence, Linda Morana, gives her advice on how to cultivate the art of mentorship from the beginning stages. 

If you’re looking for fresh ideas and questions to help launch your mentoring relationship, look no further! Mentors in Calgary have done the work. At a Futurpreneur Canada SAGE Mentor Think Tank in Calgary, mentors gathered to identify valuable questions to ask entrepreneurs in the beginning stages of the mentoring relationship.

Questions pertaining to entrepreneur’s personal and professional development:

  • What’s in it for you?
  • Why are you starting this business?
  • How do you handle failures?
  • What are your expectations for your own personal and professional development?
  • Does your business future align with your personal goals?
  • What is your concept of success?

Questions pertaining to the business:

  • Review of basic business concept: What is your 30 second elevator pitch?
  • What is your business structure? Partnership? Sole Proprietorship? Corporation?
  • What are your expectations for the business? Do you have milestones?
  • When do you expect to be self-sustaining?
  • What’s your current cash flow?
  • Do you have any strategic partners/collaborators?
  • What are your back-up plans?

Questions pertaining to the mentoring relationship:

  • What are your expectations for the mentoring relationship?
  • What advice do you think you need from your mentor?(sales & marketing, accounting, networking, business review of current activities?)

These questions are all essential to the success of the mentoring relationship, both for the mentor and entrepreneur. By addressing these questions early in the relationship, both parties can predict possible challenges the entrepreneur may encounter, giving the entrepreneur practical and invaluable advice for their success.

Show Your Mentor Appreciation on Twitter!

Show your mentor how much you appreciate their time and dedication by joining us on Twitter on April 7th, 2014 from 1pm – 3pm. Use the hashtag #WeHeartMentors and be sure to tag your mentor!