Li-An Delos Reyes
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Futurpreneur(s) and partners

Bringing plant-based protein to Canadian shelves: A Q&A with Futurpreneur Li-an Delos Reyes 

Futurpreneur | March 6, 2025

This story is presented as part of My Canadian Startup, a newcomer entrepreneur initiative presented by Futurpreneur and TD through its corporate citizenship platform, the TD Ready Commitment. 

When Li-an Delos Reyes moved to Petty Harbour, Newfoundland from the Philippines in 2018, she was on the hunt for a product she needed but couldn’t find—breastfeeding coffee, a decaf drink made for nursing mothers. Instead of giving up, she created her own and quickly found a market for it at local farmers’ markets. 

Her entrepreneurial spirit led her to another gap in the market—shelf-stable, plant-based protein. Once again, she couldn’t find what she was looking for, so she decided to make it herself. This time, instead of relying on investors, she turned to Futurpreneur to help launch Brother Sprout, a business that has grown beyond her wildest dreams. 

What inspired you to start your own business in Canada? 

I’ve struggled with digestive issues for a long time, and my health was declining. People kept suggesting I try a plant-based diet, so I did—and within a month, I thought, why didn’t I try this earlier? 

But in Newfoundland, I noticed most people who went plant-based relied on tofu or Beyond Burgers. I kept wondering, why aren’t there more shelf-stable, plant-based protein products? Since I couldn’t find what I wanted, I decided to make it myself and see if people would buy it. 

I started researching how to create a long-lasting meat alternative, but as a newcomer, I was still establishing myself. Financially, I wasn’t in a position to launch a business from scratch without support. 

What are some of your biggest wins since launching your business? 

The first big milestone was rebranding and redesigning my product with professional packaging. With the help of my Futurpreneur loan, I bought my first round of inventory, and being able to sell it successfully was a huge moment for me. 

The second milestone was landing a national retail partnership with Loblaws. Seeing something that started as a small farmers’ market product now available nationwide is overwhelming in the best way. I’m incredibly grateful. 

How did Futurpreneur support your entrepreneurial journey? 

I participated in Futurpreneur’s Rock My Business workshop, where I learned about cash flow planning and accessed free business resources. The financing I received covered critical startup costs—things that often aren’t funded elsewhere, like marketing and launching. 

One of the biggest game-changers was my Futurpreneur mentor, who had deep experience in the plant-based industry. They helped me refine my branding and messaging so that it truly resonated with my target market. The Futurpreneur loan also allowed me to turn my small farmers’ market business into a professional product now available across Canada. 

Are you a newcomer entrepreneur looking to start, buy or grow a business in Canada? Learn more about My Canadian Startup, here.   

What advice would you offer to newcomer entrepreneurs starting their businesses in Canada? 

Find the right mentors. You need people who understand the market and can guide you. Futurpreneur was always there when I had questions—they would follow up with me instead of the other way around, which made me feel truly supported. 

Do your market research. Know your customers—who they are, what they want, and how to convert them into buyers. I started by chatting with people at farmers’ markets, asking why they bought my product and what they liked about it. That simple approach helped me see an even bigger market opportunity—like parents looking for high-fiber options for their kids. 

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned about yourself as an entrepreneur? 

I’ve learned that if I never tried, never failed, and never made mistakes, I wouldn’t have discovered my ability to create something out of nothing. 

Starting a business as a newcomer was challenging, but every obstacle taught me something valuable. This journey has shown me that resilience, adaptability, and trusting in my ability to keep moving forward are key to long-term success. 

Want to start your own business in Canada? Discover the free resources, mentorship, and support available through My Canadian Startup! 

Presented by TD Bank Group