• Entrepreneurship

Weekend Reading List

Futurpreneur | April 24, 2015

Photo credit: Daniel Go

It’s time for a roundup of some great content we found over the last few weeks online for entrepreneurs. Need a weekend read? Here is a list to power through and help motivate and inspire this weekend.

When business partners divorce: Best advice for couples – Financial Post

Shabnam Weber and her husband established The Tea Emporium in 2000, separated in 2009, and continued to run the business jointly until 2012 when she bought him out. In the process, she learned a lot of important business lessons about partnership.

Procrastination can be costly for tax filers – YouInc

As the Canadian tax filing deadline approaches, procrastination and ignorance about tax rules can be a costly combination for Canadians, experts say. What damage can really be done by holding off in doing your taxes this year? Probably more than you think.

Successful people aren’t afraid to say “no” – Ilya Pozin, Founder of Pluto TV, Open Me & Coplex

Saying “no” is tough, especially when you feel like it makes you less valuable. Entrepreneurs often want to say “yes” to every new opportunity that gets thrown their way because it provides a sense of purpose. Find out when saying “no” is actually in your best interest.

Why exercising is a higher priority than my business – Entrepreneur

There’s a prevalent attitude among entrepreneurs that businesscomes first. It is the highest priority that trumps everything else, including family, friends, and especially health. Joshua Steimle, CEO of MWI, explains why prioritizing health and fitness has made him better in every role he takes on – including entrepreneur.

Top 5 mobile apps for your business – Robert San Diego, CEO/Founder, BinaryIdeas.com

As an entrepreneur, every working day seems to feel like a manic Monday, which makes it easy to lose your focus, altering your mood and productivity. These mobile apps came to the rescue of Robert and his business, and make his life convenient and easy.

Bonus reads from Futurpreneur Canada:
Eph Apparel Inc.: Partnering for Success
5 Tips to Building an Effective LinkedIn Business Page
Small Businesses Can Do Well by Doing Good

Have a great weekend and share below in the comments some of your favourite articles you’ve read this week!