- Business planning and strategy
Agriculture Business (Farm and Distillery/Brewery): Example Business Plan
Want to set up a business in agriculture and tap into the brewery industry? We’ve created an example business plan to help you get the ball rolling!
Do you have harvest crops and produce goods from them? Are you interested in the agriculture or the brewery industries? If so, writing a business plan will help you bring these two ideas together into one united business.
To help you get started we’ve created an example business plan for the agricultural business. Our example focuses on a farm that grows hops in order to produce craft beer, but it will work as a framework no matter what you are growing or producing. Click the ‘Download Tool’ button to gain access to the word document.
You can also find the same example in the Business Plan Writer, our free online tool that guides you through the process of starting your business. Just select “agriculture/livestock” as your industry when you register.
Good luck and happy writing!