• Mentoring

Crash Course Catalogue: tools to help make you a better mentor

Looking to enhance your mentoring relationship? Need mentoring support in a specific area? Browse our crash courses for a full range of topics designed to help boost your mentoring relationship.

What is a crash course?

Crash courses are 10 minute self-paced learning modules presented online. Each crash course is linked to additional tools and articles to help further your learning.

We continue to build out our tools and resources based on feedback from over 2600 mentors like you. Make sure to add your voice by providing your ideas at the bottom of the page.

Why should mentor’s take our crash courses?

Whether you’re embarking on your first mentoring relationship or you’re a seasoned mentoring veteran, we know you’re looking to be the best mentor you can be.

We’ve created crash courses that address key questions raised by mentors like, “Am I providing value to the entrepreneur? What’s my role? How do I mentor on cash flow? As a mentor should I use coaching? How do I engage the entrepreneur when I’m not hearing from them?”

Take a moment and look through our library of over TWENTY crash courses to find what interests you!

And we’re here to help you succeed. We’ve created crash courses that address key questions raised by mentors like, “Am I providing value to the entrepreneur? What’s my role? How do I mentor on cash flow? As a mentor should I use coaching? How do I engage the entrepreneur when I’m not hearing from them?”

Browse our library to find a crash course to take today.

Your role as a mentor
Keeping your mentoring relationship strong
Helping your entrepreneur build their business