• Money and finance

Operating Cash Flow Template

Your business is up and running. All the hard work in preparing a start-up cash flow has paid off. But now you need to track the essential incoming and outgoings.

Ryan Jackson, 2014 BDC Mentorship Award Winner and Futurpreneur Canada Client Support Advisor has created a concise spreadsheet with instructions to help you keep on top of your business finances.

Download the tool and start taking control!

Ryan’s insights:

Cash flow is the lifeblood of a business and critical to its growth.  Small businesses are hugely dependent upon their cash flow and must either cut costs or scramble to find alternative funding when they are not being paid on time.

With money tight, a cash-strapped company can easily be pushed to the brink.

Operating cash flow is such an important aspect of your business as it focuses on the actual cash that goes in and out of your business.  Make a list of all the one-off, fixed and variable expenses.  Realistically project your sales.  You will then be able to see where the business might start to run short of cash.

This exercise is operationally critical.  Without knowing your costs and expenses, you will not be able to project the income needed to make a profit.