• Futurpreneur(s) and partners

Week that was: March 5 – March 8

Futurpreneur | March 8, 2013

Week that was: March 5 – March 8

It is such a beautiful Friday to end off our week here at CYBF. Take a look at what we have been up to!

  • Celebrating International Womens Day today. We want to give a shout to all of our female #entrepreneurs out there!
  • What a wonderful turn out at our CYBF MoMENTum Kick off event yesterday. Thank you to all who attended and to @TELUSBusiness for hosting! More info and photos here.
  • Nominations are now open for CDMN Moonshot Awards – click and read more about them here.
  • Help Canada shape @G20_YEA Summit talks this year in Russia. Complete 2 surveys and have your voice heard! Please tweet #G20beheardCA and share the message out to your networks for your chance to win! More info here.
  • Update! The deadline for the #GEW Buzzbuilder Award is March 17.! Please vote for Canada by a quick click of the Like, Tweet & Share buttons!
  • If you missed @Startup_Canada LIVE this week, on Bridging the Financial Literacy Gap, you can watch it here.

CYBF articles, blogs and news this week:

Find out what happened in our regions this week:

British Columbia

  • Another great turn out to the business plan boot camp session at @HiVEVancouver. For more info Tweet @CYBFBC!



  • A great picture from a visit with Newcomer entrepreneur Abigail Coleman and @CYBFCanada Saskatchewan Director Taunya Woods-Richardson and mentor Nadia Williamson here.


  • CYBF Entrepeer Networking Event – Winnipeg. Click for more info about Entrepeer.


  •  Exciting news! Our Spin Master Innovation Fund entrepreneurs pplconnect Virtual Smartphone alpha will be exclusively unveiled in Austin, Texas at SXSW 2013! Read more and support a local entrepreneur!



  • @CYBFAtlantic team had a visit from Julia Deans, CEO, CYBF and PJ Swim of @lobsterdotca. Here’s a picture of them showing new “kobe” tags to tell provenance of each Canadian lobster!