- Futurpreneur(s) and partners
YBI and GEW: around the world, around the clock
As Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) Canada kicks off today, The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) wants to call on you to help tell us more about entrepreneurs across the nation. CYBF is a leading member of The Prince’s Youth Business International (YBI), a global network of entrepreneurially-minded organizations.
This year, YBI members have been working together to produce a film showcasing the support that we offer to young entrepreneurs around the world. Our global network supports one entrepreneur every hour, 24 hours a day, and 365 days a year. Take a look at YBI’s new film “around the world, around the clock!”
Entrepreneurs, we want to hear from you! All you need to do is record a short clip of you at your place of work going about your usual routine.
In your video, tell us:
- who you are
- what you do
- what time it is in your city
- how Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF / FCJE) helped you
- and what you’re doing now!
This can mean opening your shop first thing in the morning, meeting with a client in the afternoon or making a sale at the end of the day, we want to see your business from your perspective.
Post your short video onto your Facebook profile and tag CYBF (www.facebook.com/gew.sme) along with #YBI247 #GEWCanada #GEW
On Twitter? Then just upload your short video with the hashtag #YBI247 GEWCanada #GEW
YBI will publish the results throughout GEW Canada and will create an activity map at the end of the week.