Canadian Youth Business Foundation Announces National Outstanding Community Partner Award Winners

March 15, 2011

Two CPs Tie for National Award

TORONTO,  March 15, 2011 – The Canadian Youth Business  Foundation (CYBF) announced today a winners tie for the CYBF National  Outstanding Community Partner Award. Both Business Victoria, from Victoria,  British Columbia and SAJE accompagnateur d’entrepreneurs in Montréal, Québec,  were selected among the seven provincial finalists. The award is given in recognition  of the impact that CYBF Community Partners have on the success of young  Canadian entrepreneurs and their businesses.

CYBF  delivers its program in partnership with other youth-serving organizations across  Canada. Defined as CYBF Community Partners (CPs), this critical group  represents the face and voice of CYBF in their respective communities. CPs  assist in identifying entrepreneurs and recruiting leaders of the business  community to serve on our volunteer-based Loan Review Committees (LRC).

“As the first point of  contact with CYBF, our Community Partners play an integral role in the start-up  process. Their knowledge of local economic conditions and their personal  interaction with the young entrepreneurs provides relevant funding  recommendations to CYBF,” says Vivian Prokop, chief executive officer, CYBF. “A  hearty congratulations to this years’ provincial and national winners who are  committed to providing the resources and support necessary to develop and  support young entrepreneurs in their communities and in Canada.”

The two national winners  were selected among the winners of the CYBF Outstanding Provincial Community  Partner Awards, a category within the 2010 CYBF Chairman’s Awards program. Each  of the national and provincial award winners will receive a professional photo  shoot and national profiling through media, advertising and social media campaigns  and will be celebrated at CYBF Chairman’s Awards Celebration taking place in  May in Toronto.

Congratulations to the  following 2010 CYBF Outstanding Provincial Community Partner Award winners:

2010  CYBF National & British Columbia Outstanding Community Partner Award 
Business Victoria
Alpana Sharma, Business  Services Coordinator

2010  CYBF National & Quebec Outstanding Community Partner Award
SAJE accompagnateur d’entrepreneurs
Michel Fortin, General  Manager

2010  CYBF Alberta Outstanding Community Partner Award
Bow Valley College
Elza Bruk, Dean of  Business

2010  CYBF Saskatchewan Outstanding Community Partner Award
Regina  & District Chamber of Commerce 
John Hopkins, CEO

2010  CYBF Manitoba Outstanding Community Partner Award
University of Winnipeg
Michael Benarroch, Dean of Business and Economics

2010  CYBF Ontario Outstanding Community Partner Award
Toronto Business  Development Centre
Sally Wilkie, Business Advisor

2010  CYBF Atlantic Canada Outstanding Community Partner Award
Enterprise Greater Moncton
Nikos Athens, Senior Business Counsellor


About the Canadian Youth Business  Foundation
Canada’s Entrepreneur Gateway

The Canadian Youth Business Foundation  (CYBF) is the ‘go to’ place for youth entrepreneurship. As a national charity,  we are dedicated to growing our nation’s economy one young entrepreneur at a  time. We look at character not collateral, when providing youth, age 18-34,  with pre-launch coaching, business resources, start-up financing and mentoring,  to help them launch and sustain a successful entrepreneurial business.

CYBF Media  Contact:
Rachel Azagury
Senior Manager, Marketing and Communications
Phone:  416-408-2923 x2111
Cell: 647-834-2923