The G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance (G20 YEA) today called on the Leaders of the G20 nations to put youth entrepreneurship at the forefront of job and wealth creation
June 5, 2012 – Mexico City – In conjunction with the 2012 G20 Leaders’ Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico over 400 Young entrepreneurs from all G20 countries, gathered in Mexico City from the 2nd to 5th June for the G20 Young Entrepreneurs Summit (G20 YES).
The summit concluded with the signing of a communiqué that called upon the G20 Leaders to focus on entrepreneurship as an answer to the issues we are currently facing around youth unemployment and slow economic growth. This communiqué was handed over directly to Felipe Calderón, President of Mexico and the host of the up coming G20 Leaders Summit.
The communiqué identified five key actions that would provide the driver for inclusive economic growth, innovation, job creation and social cohesion:
- Creating a continuum of traditional and innovative funding sources with incentives through all stages of business growth
- Increasing access to simplified information and integrated youth enterprise support with strong knowledge and skills infrastructure
- Promoting a collaborative environment across private and public sectors, civil society and academia, that enables young entrepreneurs to start, grow, learn and have a second chance in business, within their countries and internationally
- Minimizing regulatory and tax barriers for start-up and early-stage businesses to reduce costs and increase efficiencies
- Fostering a stronger youth entrepreneurship culture through promoting and teaching entrepreneurship and raising awareness
The communiqué concluded by stating that the G20 YEA, are able and willing to work together with their respective governments to help ensure young entrepreneurs and their businesses can play their role in being the architects of the 21st century.
Vivian Prokop, Founding Chair of the G20 YEA and CEO of the Canadian Youth Business Foundation said: “As the Founders of the G20 YES, this is a moment of great pride for Canada. The momentum in only 2 short years since the inaugural G20 YES Toronto is monumental. Today the voice of young entrepreneurs has been heard around the world. The Canadian Delegation looks forward to working with our government to implement policies based on the 5 action areas in the G20YEA Mexico communique”.
In addition to the communiqué the summit bought together entrepreneurs’ from all sectors and in all regions, facilitating business connections and business growth opportunities and providing tangible trade benefits for individuals and wider economies.
The next G20 YEA Leadership Assembly will be taking place in Berlin, Germany in October of this year. It will bring together leading practioners in the field of youth enterprise and entrepreneurship for around the globe to look at how entrepreneurs’ and enterprise development can help provide a long-term solution to the current Eurozone crisis.
G20 Young Entrepreneurs’’ Alliance (G20 YEA)
The G20 Young Entrepreneurs’’ Alliance is a collective of leading entrepreneurially-minded organizations representing the G20 countries who seek to promote youth entrepreneurship as a powerful driver of economic renewal, job creation, innovation and social change. The Alliance was founded as a movement to engage the G20 leaders in the cause of youth entrepreneurship, share information across borders, affect positive change and create a global network of young entrepreneur advocates, while building a collaborative entrepreneurial environment worldwide. The next G20YES will be taking place in St Petersburg, Russia in 2013.
For more information, visit
G20 Young Entrepreneur Summit (G20 YES) – Mexico
The G20 Young Entrepreneur Summit Mexico is a gathering of young entrepreneurs (age 18 – 40) and entrepreneurship-focused organizations from the G20 countries. Hosted by COPAMREX, it provides valuable input to government leaders to assist in driving sustainable global economic growth, exchange ideas and to foster international partnerships and collaboration. The G20 YES is an official program of the G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance. For more information, visit
Canadian Youth Business Foundation – Canada’s Entrepreneur Gateway
The Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) is the ‘go to’ place for youth entrepreneurship. As a national organization, we are dedicated to growing Canada’s economy one young entrepreneur at a time. We look at character not collateral, when providing youth, age 18-34, with pre-launch coaching, business resources, start-up financing and mentoring, to help them launch and sustain a successful entrepreneurial business. CYBF is the founder of G20 Young Entrepreneur Summit (G20 YES) and founding member of the G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance (G20 YEA).
For more information, visit